Astrology Analysis

with Tarot and Qabalah symbolism.

** I have availablity for only 1 more reading in March 2025.

We have chart rulers

that we can identify within our astrology birth chart and are represented by Tarot keys which speaks to the subconsciousness with a more powerful suggestion that allows a more responsive understanding and knowingness of our vibration we carry into this life.

Each ruler is the symbol that represents the four major areas of development that we all experience which is the development of personal, family, social, and career.

When we are aware of our chart rulers, we empower ourselves consciously by being more organized with how we use our Life-force on a daily basis.

We will determine

our pre-birth needs and pre-birth intents prior to our birth into this life. This is very helpful because we can identify the many types of difficulties we will encounter but be able to develop a deeper knowing of the why and how we are experiencing the difficulties.

Eventually, the difficulties become mastered and we obtain a more flow state of being along with consciousness growth. When we empower ourself by using the symbols of the Zodaic and Tarot, we are able to see the bigger picture of our life and the life of others.

We can discover

our strengths and weaknesses by knowing the approximate molecular arrangement of our four-body system that we have built in our life, which is the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies.

The astrology house system provides major clues that we can use to discover the potentials and the appearance of limitations.

We will magnify

our astrology birth chart by identifying the four developments of personal, family, social, and career within a four quadrant system. This will allow us to notice the patterns of our thoughts, feelings, and actions in a more concentrated manner.

The foundation of the Zodiac is already established within us, but we play out our Personality in order to contribute to our individual consciousness growth and collective consciousness growth.

We will lead

with our chart rulers but also identify our chart reinforcements that assist us with areas in our life that will help with difficulties or build upon already well developed qualities that can become stronger and more specialized.

There are relationships with Tarot and astrology that create hooks within our subconsciousness that can enhance our intuition and knowingness of how to use our Life-force.

We will know

our life-line based on our Earth age down to the very degree which reveals patterns of our growth since birth. The life-line allows us to gauge in life where we were, where we are now, and where we are going.

We will follow our life-line through all twelve houses of the Zodiac and discuss how the pre-birth needs and pre-birth intents are becoming activated within our life.

We will discuss

how Qabalah and Tarot symbolism can be used to enhance our astrology birth chart with the principles of consciousness, attributions, developments, and the Intelligences of the 32 Paths of Wisdom on the Tree of Life.

Within the Cosmic Repository App, there is an extensive library available for a broder understanding of how we can relate to Qabalah and Tarot in order to enhance our consciousness awareness.

We will describe

the aspects or relationships between the planets that were defined in terms of angular degrees at our birth. Although transits are important within our life development, the primary focus with our astrology analysis is to know our pre-birth needs and pre-birth intents which established the vibration we carry into this life.

We can analyize all ten planets, south node, and north node to determine the patterns we play out in our life which will reveal if we are to create destiny or fulfill destiny.

To purchase 40 page report
and 90 minute meeting

send an email to

Purchase price: $200.00.

Readings available for March: 1

View walkthrough of an astrology analysis here.

View completed astrology analysis reports here.